October 30, 2024 Climate wins: what your support made possible We have incredible news and exciting updates from our shared fight to put people, communities, and nature first. Thanks to...
September 26, 2024 New York Climate Week Webinar: Vietnam’s Unjust Energy Transition We have great news! Climate defender Hoang Thi Minh Hong was freed in Vietnam on Saturday, September 21, 2024, a...
November 3, 2023 LIVE: Power Up ⚡✊ We’re back on the streets with 220 events in 63 countries starting today to continue demanding an end to the era of coal, oil and...
October 31, 2023 Some updates on Power Up From November 3 to December 9, people are coming together all around the world to demand a clean, peaceful and equitable future for all. Join us...
October 11, 2023 The fight continues Updates on the Vietnam's Climate Prisoners webinar, Hong's trial, and the need for support in the quest for justice and sustainability.
September 8, 2023 Hong’s 100th Day of Unjust Detention We’re not giving up on this fight. It has been inspiring to see people around the world taking action and standing in solidarity with Hong and...
July 5, 2023 People, not fossil fuels, power our world Renewable energy systems are more democratic than fossil fuels because they can be owned and controlled by communities, ensuring that people, rather than corporations, benefit...
May 18, 2023 Doraemon is back from the future by Jenny Tuazon It’s not everyday that we see a vibrant scene outside the Japanese Embassy: climate activists, prepped with...
February 2, 2023 Two-faced ICBC 🎭 The Go Clean ICBC coalition just released a report evaluating the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China’s (ICBC) renewable energy...
December 20, 2022 Go Clean ICBC: the fight is not over yet What a year it has been for us at the Go Clean ICBC coalition! 2022 was still tough for a...