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“Yes, Climate Crisis is Real”
And Yes, your voices has power to advocate for change while we having fun in doing so.
If you have a creative mind, are concerned about climate change, and will be aged 35 or younger this year, this invitation is for you!
Create a piece of art – including paintings, songs, poems, or film – that describes the actions that Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other bank industries, governments, private sector industries, or people need to take in response to the climate crisis.
Then submit your art on or before 31 May 2024.
You will have a chance of winning a cash prize. And whether you win or not, your entry has a chance of being shown publicly not only in your own country but around the Asia region. This may include international events such as ADB Clean Energy Forum on June 2024 where world leaders will discuss actions to address the climate crisis.
There are four art form categories you can enter: images, sounds, poetry, and film or drama. These can include a drawing or painting (including digital art), a photograph, a dance, a song or rap, a poem, a video animation, or something else (see details below). Your words (if any) can be in any language.
Your entry should express your ideas about the solutions the world needs about one (or more) of the following themes, which are the topics that world leaders will discuss at the ADB talks:
- Theme 1 – Tripling Renewable Energy Capacity by 2030: Create art that envisions a world with three times more renewable energy by 2030
- Theme 2 – Doubling Progress in Energy Efficiency by 2030: Create art that tells your messages about what you wish leaders to do to fasten the work towards climate resilience in the future.
- Theme 3 – Financing New and Innovative Green Energy Solutions: Create art that depicts the concept of climate funding and where the money should go.
- Theme 4 – Adaptation and Resilience: Create art to illustrate the impacts of climate change on vulnerable countries and families, and why collective action matters.
Entries can be connected to any of these subjects. Submitted art pieces will be reviewed according to their relevance to at least one of these themes, how clear the proposed solution is, how creative the entry is, and how effectively it encourages positive thoughts and action.
Best art submissions of this ARTivism entry will be displayed during the ADB forum in June, together with art pieces from other countries in the Asia Region. This may happen through social media, news media, websites, online exhibitions, and meetings with representatives of governments and international organizations.
- To enter this competition, you must be below 35 years of age in December 2024.
- Entrants agree to accept the rules and decisions of the competition and its organisers.
- By submitting their entry, entrants confirm they have obtained their consent to display publicly their submitted art, as well as the entrant’s full name, age, gender, and country of origin anywhere, including on websites and on social media accounts. No royalties or other payments can be claimed for this.
- Submission entries should be original and not use someone else’s copyrighted material. However, it is acceptable to include some words, concepts or images created by others (such as a national or UN flag, company logo, or a famous quotation) if these are artistically necessary, for example, to explain a specific point, be humorous etc.
- If the art contains photographs/videos/stories of other people, the submission entrant must inform the respective individuals appearing in their art (e.g. in videos or photograph) that the piece of art may be seen publicly in their country and internationally, and those people must give their permission to the artist before the entry is submitted.
- Entrants can work with one or two friends to produce a joint competition entry if each person involved is also below 35 years of age on December 2024.
- The entrant is responsible for the cost of producing and submitting their entry.
- Submission entrants will retain copyright of their pieces of art.
- Entrants can use any language in their art
- Entrants may submit up to three different entries to the competition, which can have messages about the same theme or different ones.
Submission entries must be submitted together with the artist’s personal information and statement as explained above.
Submission entries should be in one of the following categories:
- Images (drawings, paintings, posters, photographs)
- Sounds (recorded song, rap, music etc)
- Poetry (up to 300 words)
- Film & Drama (dance, puppetry, animation etc).
- The entry must have some connection to one or more of the above themes
- Any entries using words (e.g. songs and poems) should be no more than 300 words.
- If you are submitting a poem, in addition to the written words you can include a recording of yourself reading the poem.
- Musical entries (including songs or raps) should be recorded by the artist on video.
- Any artistic films or musical recordings (including recordings of poems, drama, songs or raps) should be no longer than 1 minute and 20 seconds)
- Any art created by hand, such as traditional paintings or drawings, should be submitted by taking a good quality digital photograph of the finished entry.
Submissions must be in following format below:
- Images/drawings/sketches: JPEG/PNG
- Poems: PDF/Word
- Short clips/video: MP4
- Songs: MP4/MP3 (for entrants who prefer to submit audio only)
Public financial institutions like the ADB play a crucial role in driving resources for developing nations to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The ADB should focus on funding renewable energy projects and providing technical assistance to help countries overcome challenges in transitioning to a low-carbon economy. Yet, it sometimes includes ineffective, false solutions to its projects.
Tell the ADB to drive the shift towards a just energy transition in Asia.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) can play a vital role in promoting an equitable shift to cleaner, greener energy for the region. This can be achieved by actively supporting projects and initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance climate resilience for communities.
Let's urge the ADB to prioritize funding for renewable energy sources, moving away from dangerous fossil fuels and accelerating the transition to a safe and sustainable energy future in Asia.
information DETAILS
When submitting your entries, please provide the following details:
- Full name (If you prefer, you can choose not to give your family name)
- Country
- Age
- Which one of the five themes your entry talks about
- The name or title of your art pieces
- A brief explanation (up to 150 words) of your entry, including the main idea or message, why you chose that idea, and what you hope people will think or feel when they see your work.
- A close-up video recording of you explaining your entry (up to 150 words) including the main idea or message, why you chose that idea, and what you hope will happen when people see your work.
- A close-up photo of you holding your entry (or performing it)
If this entry was produced by two or three people working together, please provide their details as well.
350 is a grassroot climate movement led by mostly young climate activists around the world to encourage everyone to stop fossil fuels usage and fight climate change. If you would like to support our movement by posting your art on your social media accounts, please use the hashtag #BeyondWordsADB and mention us @350_asia on Instagram when you do it.
An Asian-led network of civil society organizations (CSOs), based in Asia and the Pacific region.
Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)
A regional alliance of peoples’ movements, community organizations, coalitions, NGOs, and networks, advocating for comprehensive social transformation that addresses economic, political, cultural, and environmental issues with class, ethnicity/race, and gender dimensions.
A network of civil society organizations and people’s movements from Asia, Europe, North America, and Australia working to pressure the Asian Development Bank to end its financing and support for gas, coal and oil.