November 28, 2024 Indonesia’s Fossil Fuel Gamble: Betraying the Planet for ‘Energy Independence’? Indonesia, one of the world's largest economies, stands at a crossroads that will define not just its future, but the planet's.
June 7, 2019 Finance Ministers Must Face Climate Risk to Economy Systemic response required as more banks back away from coal.
May 16, 2019 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, releases new policy on coal finance World’s 5th Largest Bank Moves Against Coal, Loopholes concern climate campaigners
April 18, 2019 Climate Leaders do not fund coal! PM Abe should commit to coal phase out Civil society organizations organized a protest in front of the National Diet Building
February 21, 2019 Building a people powered coal-free movement in Negros Organizing is the process of putting together like-minded individuals in a community to take on the work of campaigning for a coal-free future. A very...
February 20, 2019 Indonesia’s presidential face-off shows candidates’ weak stance on climate change Despite the grave threat of climate change and the repeated calls of the Bersihkan Indonesia Coalition, neither presidential candidate even mentioned climate change during this...
December 4, 2018 Charting the path to a fossil-free East Asia Supporting local initiatives for climate action that advances the shifting of financing and the transitioning towards low carbon economies is the current thrust of’s...
November 18, 2018 New Waves of 318 Movement, to Phase Out Coal from Taichung for Sustainability and Health By Air Clean Taiwan On the 18th of November, civil society mobilize at the civil square of Taichung city as the...
October 10, 2018 Asian Movements to IFC: Take Bolder Moves Away from Coal and Fossil Fuel Involvement! Peoples organizations, NGOs and other civil society groups from all over the world are gathered in Bali, Indonesia to raise their issues and calls on...
October 5, 2018 Women lead community response to coal plant development in Thailand As fishing community faces massive relocation, women in Pattani Province are rising to oppose a planned coal-fired power plant with potentially serious environmental and health...