September 19, 2024 Yen for Climate: Calling for Japan’s Swift Shift to Renewables The "Yen for Climate" campaign is a call to action for Japan to realign its financial strategies with global climate objectives. By excluding harmful energy...
May 3, 2024 CSOs Denounce ADB’s Draft Safeguards Policy, Call for Immediate Revisions Ahead of the ADB’s Annual Meeting next month, civil society groups are firmly calling on the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to go back to the...
February 15, 2024 Mangrove Marvel: Protecting the Jewel of the Sundarbans for Future Generations The Sundarbans are a gift of mother nature to her beautiful daughter, Bangladesh, as the longest mangrove forest in the world. It’s not just a...
January 2, 2024 A Celebration of Environmental Progress and the Ongoing Battle Against Fossil Fuels In 2023, 350 has been actively working towards addressing environmental challenges and making significant progress. This year again, with a steadfast commitment to promoting just...
October 11, 2023 The fight continues Updates on the Vietnam's Climate Prisoners webinar, Hong's trial, and the need for support in the quest for justice and sustainability.
September 8, 2023 Hong’s 100th Day of Unjust Detention We’re not giving up on this fight. It has been inspiring to see people around the world taking action and standing in solidarity with Hong and...
May 10, 2023 No, Japan, ammonia co-firing will not reduce emissions The Japanese government is promoting the use of ammonia as a fuel for co-firing in coal power plants as...
August 31, 2022 Devastating floods in Pakistan highlight the urgency of tackling the climate crisis Unprecedented flooding continues to devastate Pakistan, killing over 1000 people and affecting over 30 million people since June.
April 25, 2022 Pedal for People and Planet Coordinated biking events in 9 Asian countries to call for bold action on climate change