By Liangyi Chang
Last month climate leaders from 10 Asian countries converge for 3 days of trainings, skillshares and bearing witness to the impacts of fossil-fueled development to communities, as part of the East Asia Climate Leadership Camp 2018.
The camp is an annual gathering of climate leaders to learn, collaborate and organize climate campaigns in the East Asian region. It is part of the broader work happening in the region to mobilize on different fronts to promote a just transition to 100% renewable energy. This also aims to support and strengthen communities resisting fossil fuel projects.
Participants were oriented on how their local work can align with’s global Fossil Free Campaign, which calls for: 1) an end to fossil-fuel finance; 2) stopping new fossil-fuel projects and 3) Accelerating the just transition 100% renewable energy.
Supporting local initiatives for climate action that advances the shifting of financing and the transitioning towards low carbon economies is the current thrust of’s work in East Asia, the work is made possible by the more than a dozen local partners that work with us in realizing this in their respective communities.
Visit this page to view the highlights from the East Asia Climate Leadership Camp.