October 26, 2021

Press Conference: Wave of actions across the globe demand an end to fossil finance

GlobalOn October 29th, just two days before the start of the UN Climate Summit in Glasgow, groups in every region of the globe will start a wave of mobilizations that will last until November 6th. Over 50 coordinated actions are planned across the globe. 
From Manila to NYC, São Paulo to Nairobi, London to the Pacific and across Europe, thousands of people will take to the streets in marches, hold banners, organize projections, street murals, vigils and other kinds of creative demonstrations to demand that financial institutions end all funding for fossil fuels and instead direct resources to support the most vulnerable nations tackling the climate crisis, and deliver a rapid, just transition to a fossil free world.
To present an overview of these actions 350.org and allies will host an online press conference on the 28th of October. The panel will include renowned climate campaigners and organisers from around the world who will be sharing details of the actions, presenting their demands to the financial targets, and responding to questions. 
Please register HERE to attend.
COP26 Wave of Actions Press Conference
WHEN: Thursday, October 28th at 7:00 EDT (NYC) / 8:00 (São Paulo) / 12:00 BST (London) / 14:00 (Nairobi) / 17:00 (Dhaka) / 19:00 (Manila)
WHERE: Via Zoom – Register HERE

  • Farzana Faruk, climate justice activist from Fridays for Future Bangladesh, and member of the Most Affected Peoples and Areas (MAPA)
  • Joaquín Herrero, Argentinean climate activist at Jóvenes por el Clima
  • Joseph Sikulu, 350.org Pacific Managing Director and member of the Pacific Climate Warriors delegation at COP26
  • Chuck Baclagon, 350.org Asia Regional Finance Campaigner
  • Charity Migwi, 350.org Africa Regional Campaigner
  • Brooke Harper, 350.org US Regional Campaign Strategist
  • Facilitator: Tonny Nowshin, 350.org Germany Digital and Finance Campaigner

Photo and video content from the actions will be available HERE from October 29th onwards.
Media contacts:
Nathalia Clark, Associate Director, Global Communications, 350.org
nathalia@350.org / +55 61 991371229 (GMT-3)
Mark Raven, Communications Manager, Europe, 350.org
mark@350.org / +44 7841474125 (GMT+1)