by Amanullah Porag

I am a climate activist and I come from a country that’s already way too vulnerable to the climate crisis, a country that’s drowning, both in the rising sea and in loan burdens.

Here is a question from me to you all reading this, what does an underdeveloped, climate-vulnerable, drowning country do to build resilience in the face of this multilayered crisis? It brings in external support from different agencies. But little does the country know, with that quote-unquote support, comes neo-colonialism. Yes, These multilateral agencies, filled up with their own agenda, fossil fuel agenda to be exact, sure give support, but also fulfill their agenda.

One of these multilateral agencies is The Asian Development Bank (ADB), a financial institution that calls itself the climate bank is the perfect example of how the multilateral agencies push their agenda through their support to vulnerable and underdeveloped countries.

Flip the Switch, a regional campaign of targeted the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to influence them to accelerate their transition to a sustainable, low-carbon energy landscape in Asia by ensuring the full exclusion of harmful energy solutions, including dams, nuclear, waste-to-energy, and fossil gas as transition fuel, to ensure a comprehensive and sustainable transition.

ADB has the potential to be a beacon of hope for developing countries striving to decarbonize their energy systems. Yet, it has fallen prey to the allure of false solutions—dams, nuclear, waste-to-energy, and fossil gas—that masquerade as progress. Our campaign, “Flip the Switch on False Solutions,” is a clarion call to the ADB to cast aside these harmful practices and commit to renewable energy and sustainable development.

Flip the Switch on False Solutions had four clear demands:

  • Full Exclusion of Harmful Energy Solutions: No more funding for dams, nuclear, waste-to-energy, or fossil gas. We need a clean break from these outdated technologies.
  • Prioritize Renewables: Invest in the abundant sunshine, wind, and geothermal potential of Asia. This is the path to true energy security and a thriving green economy.
  • Transparent and Equitable Investments: We demand transparency in all ADB investments, with a full accounting of social and ecological impacts. We also believe grants, not loans, should be the primary tool for financing the energy transition, ensuring a just and equitable shift.
  • Community Consultation and Consent: Local communities must be at the heart of the decision-making process. Their voices and concerns deserve to be heard and respected when it comes to projects impacting their lives and environment.

This campaign wasn’t just about resistance; it was about building a better future free from the shackles of neo-colonialism. We knew that raising awareness and educating the public were crucial steps.

This campaign wasn’t just about resistance; it was about building a better future free from the shackles of neo-colonialism. We knew that raising awareness and educating the public were crucial steps.

So, we organized decentralized actions in Narail, Khagrachari, Gopalganj, and Habiganj, districts where the ADB has ongoing projects. Young people from these communities formed the backbone of our movement. They volunteered their time, braved the summer heat, and took to the streets with creative placards that highlighted our demands. Their energy and enthusiasm were infectious, and their message resonated with the local residents. Many stopped to inquire, to learn more about the issues, and to add their voices to the cause.

We also held a larger, centralized action near the ADB headquarters in Dhaka. This action brought together activists from across Bangladesh, united under a common banner. We delivered a powerful petition signed by thousands of supporters, demanding that the ADB flip the switch and stop funding false solutions. The vibrant chants and speeches echoed through the streets, sending a clear message to the ADB that the people of Asia are demanding a different future.

It is through action, organization, and artivism that we paint our visions of hope and resilience, forging a journey marked by collective action and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to dream.

Through this action, we shout “The Future of Asia will be Powered By the Sun, Wind and The People”

Our finance campaigning in Asia pivots from mere resistance to active world-building and fighting neo-colonialism. The ADB’s work in 2024 must challenge the entrenched belief that economic development is bound to fossil fuels. We wield truth and data as tools to carve a path to a future where sustainability and prosperity are intertwined. Yet, we recognize that knowledge alone is insufficient.

It is through action, organization, and artivism that we paint our visions of hope and resilience, forging a journey marked by collective action and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to dream. Through this action, we shout “The Future of Asia will be Powered By the Sun, Wind and The People”