61 Groups from 23 countries demanded that Japan Bank for International Cooperation (hereafter, JBIC), Japanese export credit agency, revoke the finance for Nghi Son 2 coal fired power plant (constructing 2 units of 600 MW supercritical coal fired power plants in Nghi Son, Thanh Hoa Province)
Since the Paris Agreement was made in 2015, de-carbonization, especially the phase out from coal is proceeding at an accelerated pace to meet the Paris 1.5-2 degree temperature target. Japan as a signatory to Paris Agreement should change the course immediately. At the very least, the Japanese Government has stated that they “only support ultrasuper critical (USC) technology, the world most advanced technology”. Thus, financing Nghi Son 2 is clearly against Japan’s own policy.
NGOs also have pointed out that JBIC did not disclose the EIA properly. Their own “Guidelines” states “JBIC discloses information in principle as set out below, depending on the nature of the project. Such disclosure is made, in principle, on JBIC’s website as soon as it obtains the information.” However, they disclosed the EIA more than six months after they received the EIA. The process of financing decision was also problematic.